Assignment Writer

010 Element Individual advertising campaign (2023 MOD007203 TRI3 D01NON)

Table of Contents

The assessment requires you to develop and demonstrate your theoretical knowledge, as well as to develop your skills in the application of this theory in the creation of marketing communications and the appropriate media formats. In the presentation, you develop an advertising campaign which you present in the form of a video recording (max. 20min) as an agency pitch to a client. You have to upload the video including verbal commentary as an .mp4 file on Canvas. Your advertising campaign can include film, audio and print media which are made by yourself to allow for communication creativity.  The advertising campaign should be part of the marketing communications plan in element 011.

Weighting: 70%


A successful advertising campaign starts with a cohesive, inviting storefront and ends with the overall experience you deliver to the end customer (consumer).


Learning Outcome


This assignment consists of two parts:

A) Advertising Campaign

B) Pitch to your customer



Your Advertising Campaign should consider the following elements:

·         Identify what you’re really selling

·         Speak your customer’s (client’s) language

·         Get the consumer’s attention

Marking Criteria:

·         Creativity  (20 marks)

·         Create a clear message that is being implemented throughout the campaign (40marks)

·         Use of relevant media (10 marks)




Your pitch should show professional skills.

·         Your pitch presentation should address the needs of your customer (client) and the consumers 

·         You need to have strong sales arguments why YOUR advertising campaign is the best choice for your customer (client)

Marking criteria: 

·         Pitch presentation skills (20 marks)

·         Strong sales arguments (10 marks)



Pitch Guideline

Background and history (Context analysis)

Brand’s current situation, market analysis including history and competitor analysis to understand the business and the market. Data and sources are needed.​

Project overview

Summarise the project overall – client must understand the campaign with this short summary. 

  • Promotional/Communication objectives (Communication goals and strategies)
    • Single and Clear objective to show which point should be focused the most. This must be SMART.​
    • Audience, Platform, Configuration, and Positioning strategies must be considered overall.
    • Who, where, what do audiences ‘look like’, how will we reach them? (STP)

Proposition & Communications Mix (Communication tools, Media, Contents)

    • Message strategies and balance (rational/emotional)
    • What makes the product/services stand out above the rest. 
    • Detailed description and clear justification of the choices (e.g. media tools) made, and how to implement them.
  • Brand guidelines and mandatory information (Strict rules/policies to follow)

Budget, control and evaluation (Overall costs, resources, how to control)

    • Budget: estimates are acceptable, but grouping should be communication mix-based
    • Resources: staff, extra support from other departments etc. Include if it is needed.
    • Evaluation of media control, measuring (metrics) of the effectiveness of the campaign. Link to the SMART objective(s);.​

Timescales (Implementation and media scheduling)

    • Preferably Gantt chart