011 Element Individual communications plan (2023 MOD007203 TRI3 D01NON)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2,000 word individual communications plan for the implementation of the advertising campaign (element 010), identifying, detailing and justifying the communications they plan to use alongside the advertisement created previously.
Remember that your communications plan should show strong originality, as well as having a strong justification for the marketing activities chosen and a clear intended target consumer segment/s.
Weighting: 30%
Element 011 Assessment Details:
10% Context Analysis
Brand’s current situation, market analysis including history and competitor analysis to understand the business and the market. You need to include data and sources.
15% Communications objectives
Identify appropriate reach, process and effectiveness objectives and express them in SMART format
- Reach objectives (How will the target market/s be reached?)
- Process objectives (Using the ELM to establish high or low involvement and the route to persuasion)
- Effectiveness objectives (Using the DAGMAR model)
10% Communication Strategy
Audience, Platform, Configuration, Positioning strategies
35% Integrated Communications Mix
Proposition of a clearly actionable integrated communications mix, detailed description and justification of the choices made.
- Contents: Message balance (Rational/Emotional) and appeal strategy
- Media: which media used to communicate? (PESO)
- Tools: Ads, PR, DM, Sales promotion, Personal selling, Social media, Brand experiences etc.
10% Implementation
Media schedule (Gantt chart) with justification
10% Control and Evaluation
Evaluation of media control, measuring of the effectiveness of the campaign (relating back to the SMART objectives)
10% Originality and Professionalism
- Originality of the proposed communications plan.
- Spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, referencing.
Presentation of Written Work
Page margins should not be less than 2cm top, bottom and sides.
Double line spacing should be used except for indented quotations or footnotes where single spacing may be used.
Pages should be numbered consecutively through the main text including photographs and/or diagrams when they are included as whole pages (including all appendices).
All type font should be 12pt in size as a minimum and Arial font used where possible. A sans serif font must be used at all times.