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Home / Free Samples / Care Certificate Standard 9 Answers – Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disabilities 

The Care Certificate Standard 9 Answers focus on mental health conditions and argue about why awareness of them is necessary. A good care worker must know how to tackle these health and social care challenges. Individuals with mental health conditions are emphasized in the standard 9 care certificate answers. The workbook begins to consider people with mental health conditions and their needs. It makes sure that they get the care and support they want. It goes on to explore their mental capacity, legal frameworks about it, early detection of mental health, and necessary adjustments to care.

Assessment Criteria and Learning Outcomes 

The following are the assessment criteria and learning outcomes of Care Certificate Standard 9 Answers.

9.1 Understand the experiences and needs of people with dementia, learning disabilities, and mental health conditions

  • 9.1a Enlist how an individual may feel if they have anxiety, depression, psychosis, dementia, or learning disabilities
  • 9.1b Describe how such conditions impact a person’s needs to care they need
  • 9.1c Elaborate why it is important to understand that the needs and causes of people with different mental disabilities are different. 

9.2 Understand the significance of positive health for an individual who suffers from dementia, learning disabilities, and mental health conditions 

  • 9.2a Elaborate how positive attitudes towards individuals with mental health conditions can improve the support and care they need
  • 9.2b Explain the social model of disability and how it designs positive attitudes towards those who have mental health conditions 

9.3 Understand the changes which may be important in care delivered to people with mental health conditions 

  • 9.3a Explain the adjustments that need to be made in the experiences of people with mental health challenges 
  • 9.3b Explain how to report concerns about unmet needs from mental health conditions and learning disability through agreed ways of working

9.4 Understand the significance of early detection of mental health conditions

  • 9.4a Describe how important it is to detect mental health conditions as early as possible
  • 9.4b Show examples of how and why changes to care must be made when mental health conditions are diagnosed

9.5 Understand policies, guidelines, and legal frameworks about dementia, learning disabilities, and mental health conditions 

  • 9.5a Enlist the primary requirements of policies and legislation designed to promote the citizenship of individuals with mental conditions, learning disabilities, inclusions, equal life, and human rights 
  • 9.5b Describe how the policies and legislation may affect the daily activities of individuals with mental health conditions 

9.6 Understand what is meant by mental capacity regarding how care is provided 

  • 9.6a Describe what does the term ‘capacity’ mean
  • 9.6b Describe how crucial is it to assume that someone has proper mental capacity unless there is evidence otherwise 
  • 9.6c Describe what is meant by ‘consent’ and how it changes things for individuals with mental health conditions 
  • 9.6d Explain situations where an assessment of mental capacity or lack thereof must be undertaken and the importance and meaning of ‘advance statements’ about future care 

Care Certificate Standard 9 Answers

The Care Certificate 9 answers are specifically designed for individuals whose support needs are different e.g. they are people with dementia, learning disabilities, and mental health conditions. You may recall the previous standard answers in the links below:

Activity 9.1a Discuss the situations of individuals who are dealing with mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, psychosis, dementia, and learning disabilities and what should be the plans regarding the future care of such patients

This is the list of how someone with physical, social, or psychological conditions may feel:

Dementia – upset, angry, forgetful, frustrated, confused, and scared. Learning disabilities – unable to comprehend, difficulties with communication, and frustration. Anxiety – out of control, high heart rate, tearful, upset, and worried. Depression – suicidal, tired, unmotivated, tearful, and sad. Psychosis – delusional, scared, confused, and unable to distinguish between reality and imagination. This is how each condition impacts an individual’s plan of care:

Learning disabilities – positive behavior management, effective communication, and support with daily tasks. Dementia – emotional support, occupational therapy, support with daily tasks, reminders, and promoters. Psychosis – medication, reassurance, delusion recognition, special support such as a psychologist, counselor, or cognitive behavioural therapy. Depression – specialist support, emotional support, medication, and encouragement to maintain relationships. Anxiety – encouragement, praise, reassurance, and specialist support e.g. cognitive behavioral therapy, psychologist, or counselor. 

A care worker should know these conditions about the individuals they support. This helps take necessary steps regarding future care. This way individuals who may have these issues can get the best care delivery. The needs and experiences of people with health conditions can vary a lot, which is why the care and support might need to be different for each of them. It is important to assume that someone is medically sane unless their medical reports say otherwise. This way promotes human rights and adjustments might need to be made for individuals with special care. 

Activity 9.1b How can mental health conditions change an individual’s needs and how do you work with individuals with such conditions?

Individuals with mental health conditions do not get equal life chances. A care worker needs to understand that the causes, the issues, and the solutions are all connected. All of this combined makes up for a proper care plan. An individual with mental health conditions – whether it is learning disabilities, dementia, or any other condition – may become irritated over small matters. This irritation may result in intense anger. Such patients can be tricky to handle. 

If a care worker does not know of the legislation and policies, they may never be able to take care of the individuals in the way they should. The experiences of individuals with mental conditions require a medical model of disability and how it supports those individuals. Standard 9 of the care certificate further focuses on the importance of early detection of mental health conditions.

If you notice that the individuals you support are showing signs of mental health conditions, it is time to think that they might need to be adjusted to a different place or might need to be carried somewhere else where they can get professional help. Once learning disabilities are identified and health and social care workers are hired, it does not stop the work. A good care worker knows how to support an individual with learning disabilities and what is it that their special care needs.

Activity 9.1c Why is it important to learn the meaning and significance of people’s different needs

Every individual is unique and so their personal preferences, wishes, and needs should be met accordingly. Mental health conditions can change in frequency and intensity throughout the lives of individuals. For instance, an individual suffering from schizophrenia needs immediate and constant observation to ensure they are safe. I can manage their delusions after planning quality support and focusing on prescribed medication. In case such a person forgets to use medicines, they may need extra support. 

Individuals who suffer from dementia will deteriorate in health over time. Such individuals will have you report concerns associated with their current condition. Not to mention, they will require extra support. They need to be taken care of more as their lives gradually fade away. Individuals with learning disabilities may exhibit abnormal behavior. That should be handled with care. Remember these are not mentally sound people. This does not mean they should be treated harshly.

Once you earn their trust, this is when they can befriend you and feel comfortable having you around their disabilities. Do not betray their trust. These are what Care Certificate Standard 9 Answers: Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia, and Learning Disabilities are about. You may read it again if you have yet to clarify something.

You may recall the previous standard answers in the links below:

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