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BM5056 : The Reflexive Practitioner, (2023-2024, Semester 2)

Table of Contents

How transformational leaders have changed the culture of organizations

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“Burns, J. M., 2012. Leadership. Open Road Media.”


Google Books

Burns examined leadership qualities and identified specific leadership qualities equating with transformative figures. He introduced the transformational leadership theory that leaders work closely with followers, empowering them and addressing their specific needs, developing the vision and persuading them towards a common goal.

This supports the idea that leaders who have charisma, persuasion power and vision to work with followers are transformative and they develop followers to follow one common objective.


“Muller, R. and Turner, J. R., 2012. Project-Oriented Leadership. Ashgate Publishing Limited.”


Google Books

The authors examined the transformational leadership style and its relevance to project management. Muller and Turner argued that transformational leaders develop a vision and exhibit charisma which is most suitable for complex projects as compared to less complex ones which require a structured style. Furthermore, these leaders drew on vision development but too much focus on vision may deviate attention from daily planned activities and achievements. On the bright side, the author identified that it builds on motivational aspects such as increased commitment and eventually productivity of followers.

This elaborates on the nuisances associated with transformational leadership which can impact the effectiveness of such leaders. However, the motivation-building aspect of increasing the commitment and productivity of followers indicates a culture-building orientation behind transformational leadership.  


“Bass, B. M. and Riggio, R. E., 2010. Leading Organizations: Perspectives for a New Era. In: G. R. Hickman, ed. The Transformational Model of Leadership. Sage, p. 638.”


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The authors argued against Burn’s conceptualisation of transformational leadership. While asserting that leaders should strive to become transformational leaders only as it is the best one, Bass argued that leaders can be both transactional and transformational, and a combination of these two is successful. Furthermore. Four behaviours of transformational leaders are identified such as intellectual stimulation, idealised influence, individually considerate leadership and inspirational motivation.

This provides four specific behaviours of Transformational leaders that play an integral role in building positive organisational culture.


“Schein, E. H., 2010. Organizational Culture and Leadership. Fourth ed. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons.”


Google Books

Schein’s presented a model to conceptualise organisational culture. Three basic dimensions or levels of organisational culture include artefacts such as observed behaviour, beliefs and values such as goals, and ideals and lastly basic assumptions such as perceptions. He asserted that organisations with positive cultures are likely to become successful compared to negative or weak cultures.

This allows the conceptualisation of what comprises organisational culture and an insight to understand factors through which organisational culture can be transformed such as employee behaviours, their belief system and basic perceptions.


“Hamidianpour, F., Esmaeilpour, M. and Mashayekh, S., 2016. Studying The Effect Of Transformational Leadership Style On Organizational Culture Change. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 16(2), pp. 7-24.”



The authors intended to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and organisational culture. It should be noted that organisational culture was conceptualised as “a system of beliefs and shared values among organisational members”. Idealised influence as an element of transformational leadership theory was found to have a significant impact on the culture of the organisation followed by inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and finally individual consideration. The authors also argued the consideration of environmental factors as a challenge to effectively transform organisational culture.

The study provides useful insights to consider external factors that might weaken or strengthen the relationship between transformational leadership style and culture such as environmental factors.


“Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. and Minkov, M., 2010. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Third ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.”


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Hofstede asserted that different cultures exhibit different and distinguishable values and developed a framework to demonstrate the dimensions of strong cultures. This includes six dimensions such as

power distance, individualism vs collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity vs femininity, long-term orientation vs short-term, and indulgence vs restraint.

This provides a detailed theoretical underpinning of organisational culture and the opportunity to examine how transformational leadership theory and its elements interact with these presented dimensions of organisational culture.


“Seloane, M. P., 2010. The relationship transformational Leadership and Organisational Culture, s.l.: Univeristy of South Africa.”


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The authors verified the positive association between transformational leadership and organisational culture. Furthermore, perceptions of transformational leadership style and the type of culture in the organisation were different based on age and organisational position whereas race factors were not found to be significant.

This provides implications to consider that transformational leadership behaviour and the organisational culture type are perceived differently depending on age and organisational position.


“Sarros, J. C., Cooper, B. K. and Santora, J. C., 2010. Building a Climate for InnovationThrough Transformational Leadershipand Organizational Culture. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, pp. 145-158.”


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The authors found that vision is the most important factor that links transformational leadership with organisational culture and innovation. However, vision only can produce effective results if those who ate intended to get influenced are involved in the process of vision development.

The study is useful in understanding the importance of vision between transformational leadership and organisational culture.


Tsai, Y., 2011. Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction. BMC Health Services Research, 11(98), pp. 1-9.


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The relationship between employee behaviour and organisational culture is emphasised, the role of leadership behaviour is explored and its interplay with employee job satisfaction through culture-building. Empirical evidence is provided to confirm that leadership behaviour particularly “effective interaction between leaders-followers, encouraging employees to achieve common goals” is associated with culture-building in addition to “communicating the vision to employees and acknowledging that they understand it”.

The identified leadership behaviour such as “vision communication and effective communication with followers to pursue organisational goals” aligns with constituents behind transformational leadership theory indicating its impact on building organisational culture as empirically found.


“Chen, L., Zhang, Z.-D. and W-J., J., 2020. When and Why Leaders’ Helping Behavior Promotes Employees’ Thriving: Exploring the Role of Voice Behavior and Perceived Leader’s Role Overload. Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 11, pp. 1-13.”


The article was included in the references list of another article on leadership

The study draws on social learning theory to establish that leaders’ helping behaviour can influence the employee’s thriving for learning and performing. The study found a strong connection between perceived leader role overload and the employee’s thriving behaviour at work. In simple words, leaders can display helping behaviour which will impact employees to desire and thrive at their work by learning and imitating leaders.

This provides an opportunity to conceptualise how transformational leaders ‘individualised consideration’ may display perceived helping behaviour and allows imitation of desired organisational behaviour in turns building an aligned organisational culture.


“Salanova, M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. M. and Nielson, K., 2022. he Impact of Group Efficacy Beliefs and Transformational Leadership on Followers’Self-efficacy: A Multilevel-Longitudinal Study. Current Psychology, Volume 41, pp. 2024-33.”


Springer Link Data based for journals found it using a combination of keywords.

The authors affirmed that transformational leaders can influence collaborators’ self-efficacy through inspiration and motivational behaviour such as by setting identifiable goals and conveying a bright future for them. This can also improve the self-esteem of organisational members because transformational leaders use an individualised approach such as meeting the specific needs of each member.

This informs how transformational leaders can use their persuasion power to influence followers by inspiring and motivating them. The study provides implications for culture-building characteristics by connecting organisational members’ beliefs and attitudes with transformational leaders’ behaviours.


“ALFadhalah, T., 2021. Organizational Culture, Quality of Care and Leadership Style in Government General Hospitals in Kuwait: A Multimethod Study. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, Volume 13, pp. 243-254.”


Found this article using the keyword on Emerald Insights

The study argues that transformational leaders can develop and share the required organisational culture by developing and penetrating values, behaviours and perceptions aligning with organisational goals. Measuring organisational culture as a variable that impacts outcomes of the organisation, transformational leadership was found to have a significant impact on organisational culture through two primary elements of culture such as innovation and learning.

This highlights the primary elements of organisational culture such as organisational innovation and learning and that transformational leaders indirectly create a transformational culture using these mediums.


“Kekes, I., Sallan, J. M., Simo, P. and Fernandez, V., 2018. Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of leader-member exchange. Journal of Management Development, 37(3), pp. 271-284.”


Article found on Emerald Insight

The authors used social exchange theory (SET) to examine the association between organisational commitment and transformational leadership. The study found that transformational leaders through vision creation and intellectual stimulation develop a certain emotional bond that induces affective commitment to the organisation because of the leadership-follower relationship factor. The contribution was found to be a resulting factor in this relationship. Furthermore, the mediators between transformational leadership and organisational commitment were verified such as loyalty, professional respect, and affect as per SET.

The study identifies the underlying concept drawn from SET demonstrating the strong bond between transformational leaders and followers through vision creation and intellectual stimulation. This can also be conceptualised for understanding affective organisational commitment corresponding with employee beliefs/attitudes necessary for effective culture-building.  


“Kasanah, S. U., 2019. The intersection of Leadership: Transformational, Visionary and Situational. Journal of Development Research, 3(1), pp. 25-30.”


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Highlighting the micro-level similarities between situational, visionary and transformational leadership, Kasanah stated that they all intend to influence the followers. However, stressing the examination at the micro-level among these, the authors found that transformational leadership is an improved successor of situational leadership and visionary leadership. In simple words, transformative leaders become more effective in any given situation and have visionary abilities. It can be said that situational and visionary leadership theories can be considered an underlying theory behind transformational leadership  

The study provides a detailed examination of the intersection between transformational, situational and visionary leadership theories. The findings clarify and provide insights to understand the underlying principles and theories behind the transformational theory of leadership.


“Ghasabeh, M. S., 2021. Transformational Leadership: Implementing a Cultural Approach in Organizations. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership, 14(1), pp. 1-15.”


The article was in the references list of another article on leadership and later found full view on Google Scholar

Ghasabeh examined how transformational leadership influences organisational culture and founds that change agents impacting the culture of the organization was the important aspect. It means that transformational leaders transform the organisational culture by playing a role of an agent that induces a change in the culture.  Specifically, such leaders maintain a relationship with followers based on trust and develop a learning culture.

The findings provide theoretical evidence to conceptualise that transformational leaders play the effective role of ‘change agents’ to influence organisational culture with the help of individualised consideration (resulting in trust relationships)and intellectual stimulation (resulting in learning culture).


“Poturak, M., Mekic, E., Budur, T. and Hadziahmetovic, N., 2020. Effectiveness of Transformational Leadership among Different Cultures. International Journal of Social Sciences and Educational Studies, 7(3), pp. 119-129.”


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As opposed to studies focusing on Hofstede’s model of organisational culture, the authors argued that cultural differences in transformational leadership may impact its effectiveness. The study concludes that transformational leadership positively impacts effectiveness in developed countries as compared to depressed cultures. The authors suggested that effective implementation of transformational leadership requires extensive examination of the culture where it is being incorporated  

This provides a rationale to argue that transformational leadership theory might not work the same way across different cultures.


“Sjoholm, M., 2020. Transformational leadership and culture, International Business Management.”


Found on the reference list another article on leadership and culture

Sjoholm examined how transformational leadership may be effective across different cultures. Based on four countries, the authors measured the effectiveness of transformational leadership using five factors such as visioning, enabling, modelling, challenging and rewarding. While rewarding was the most common and effective factor across these countries, Indonesia showed the lowest effectiveness for all five factors.

This shows that transformational leadership might be effective for influencing organisational culture given that the cultural differences are realised such as West vs East during its practical implementation.  


“Shim, H.S., Jo, Y. and Hoover, L.T., 2015. Police transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of organizational culture. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.”

Article found through keyword research

The study is conducted to find the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) and organisational commitment and organisational culture (OC) is considered as the mediating role.

In order to determine the role of a transformational leader in organisation culture development, it is important to test the relationship and key variables associated with it. 


“Ergeneli, A., Gohar, R. and Temirbekova, Z., 2007. Transformational leadership: Its relationship to culture value dimensions. International Journal of Intercultural Relations31(6), pp.703-724.”

Reference found in an article on leadership and innovation

The study has conducted the find the relationship between the TL and the cultural dimension brought forward by Hofstede.

Hofstede is quite an important aspect of a culture and with the relationship between TL and Hofstede dimension better understanding can be obtained of how TL influenced organisational culture


“Masood, S.A., Dani, S.S., Burns, N.D. and Backhouse, C.J., 2006. Transformational leadership and organizational culture: The situational strength perspective. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture220(6), pp.941-949.”

Article found through Uclan library

The researcher examined the objective of a TL in organising or shaping OC in manufacturing companies

TL’s engagement to create a working environment is evident that they want a performance-based culture and it is important to determine how effective they are in creating such a culture.


“Tucker, B.A. and Russell, R.F., 2004. The influence of the transformational leader. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies10(4), pp.103-111.”

Article found on search engine search

The study is qualitative in nature and examined how TL influence an organisation from a change management perspective, and how they inspire and influence people.

The study identifies that TL seeks changes in the organisation to find new possibilities and opportunities to grow. In this way, TL is positively affecting OC.


“Sattayaraksa, T. and Boon-itt, S., 2016. CEO transformational leadership and the new product development process: The mediating roles of organizational learning and innovation culture. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.”

Article found on Emerald

The main theme of the study is to determine how TL influences innovation culture and organisational learning to facilitate new product development.

Innovation culture and organisational learning are key elements of a performance culture and finding the relationship between TL and innovation and learning can set a strong foundation for the LR


“Pradhan, R.K., Panda, M. and Jena, L.K., 2017. Transformational leadership and psychological empowerment: The mediating effect of organizational culture in Indian retail industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Management.”

Article found through google scholar

The main idea of the study is the find the relationship between TL and psychological empowerment while evaluating of OC has a mediating role or not.

Psychological empowerment also comes when the organisation have a culture of appreciation and recognition. TL’s relationship with psychological empowerment and OC as a mediator can be strong empirical evidence.


“Tortorella, G.L., Fettermann, D., Fogliatto, F.S., Kumar, M. and Jurburg, D., 2021. Analysing the influence of organisational culture and leadership styles on the implementation of lean manufacturing. Production planning & control32(15), pp.1282-1294.”


The study aimed to determine how effective leadership style and combination of organisational culture profile is in implementing lean manufacturing processes.

The study is finding the relationship between the relevant leadership style and organisational culture profile that makes the lean manufacturing process implementable. The results of the study will help yield the best data for the study.


“Hwang, S.J., Quast, L.N., Center, B.A., Chung, C.T.N., Hahn, H.J. and Wohkittel, J., 2015. The impact of leadership behaviours on leaders’ perceived job performance across cultures: Comparing the role of charismatic, directive, participative, and supportive leadership behaviours in the US and four Confucian Asian countries. Human Resource Development International18(3), pp.259-277.”

Article found through Uclan library search

The main idea of the study is to find the impact of leadership behaviour on the job performance of the employee.

The job performance of employees increases when organisational culture creates such an environment. For the study, it helps in exploring how transformational leaders influence job performance


“Tonich, T., 2021. The Role of Principals’ Leadership Abilities in Improving School Performance through the School Culture. Journal of Social Studies Education Research12(1), pp.47-75.”

Source found in the article on school leadership and culture

The main idea is to explore the leadership capabilities of a school principal in improving the school culture.

In this study, various factors are studied related to leadership which enhances the school culture. Such factors might be relevant for business as well. Moreover, the study also discusses the key aspect of a good culture which can be used as a knowledge base in the literature review.


“Garengo, P. and Betto, F., 2022. The role of organisational culture and leadership style in performance measurement and management: a longitudinal case study. Production Planning & Control, pp.1-19.”

Article search through Google UCLAN search bar

The major goal of the study is to determine practical factors for effectively adopting PMM in these companies by looking into how leadership style and organisational culture affect performance measurement systems and performance management techniques in an Italian justice court.

The study offers insightful information for your investigation into how transformational leaders have altered organisational cultures. In particular, the case study can assist you in comprehending how organisational culture and leadership style might affect the adoption of participative performance management procedures and the creation of an accomplishment culture.


“Abbasi, E. and Zamani-Miandashti, N., 2013. The role of transformational leadership, organizational culture and organizational learning in improving the performance of Iranian agricultural faculties. Higher Education66, pp.505-519.”

Article search through Google UCLAN search bar by using keywords

The study looks into how Iranian agricultural faculties can perform better and become learning organisations by implementing transformational leadership, organisational culture, and organisational learning.

Understanding the significance of transformational leadership in fostering organisational learning and creating a learning organisational culture may be helped by the study. It may also be useful to comprehend how these contextual elements may significantly affect organisational performance and how transformational leaders may use these aspects to promote change and advancement within their companies.


“Mohammed, A.A. and AL-Abrrow, H., 2022. The impact of empowering and transformational leadership on organizational performance and innovation: the mediating role of shared leadership and the moderating role of organizational culture in the Iraqi healthcare sector. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.”

Google Scholar is used to access it

This study’s main goal is to determine how transformational and enabling styles of leadership affect organisational efficiency and creativity in the health sector. It also looks into the mediating effects of shared leadership and organisational culture in the connection between leadership and workplace results.

This study can provide on how transformational leaders have changed the culture of organizations. Specifically, it can help in understanding the impact of transformational and empowering leadership styles on organizational performance and innovation, and how these leadership styles may contribute to shaping organizational culture.


“Chau, T.H.P., Tran, Y.T. and Le, T.D., 2022. How does transformational leadership influence the performance of public service organizations in a developing country? The interventional roles of NPM cultural orientations. Cogent Business & Management9(1), p.2140746.”

Google Scholar is used to access it

The study looks at how New Public Management (NPM) cultural orientations, with a focus on results-oriented culture, affect the performance of public organisations in Vietnam. The findings provide public managers with insights on how to enhance performance management procedures by indicating that transformational leadership has a favourable impact on organisational performance through a results-oriented culture.

Demonstrates how a results-driven culture mediates the favourable association between transformative leadership and corporate performance. These findings can be used to support the claim that transformational leaders can alter the organisational culture by promoting a results-driven culture that improves organisational performance. Additionally, it can shed light on the ways in which transformational leadership can be used in various situations and how corporate culture affects this process.


 Literature Review


The findings of Muller & Turner (2012), which highlight the subtleties of transformational leadership, can also influence how organisational culture is developed. Despite the fact that transformational leadership can be effective in raising followers’ commitment and productivity, it is important to be aware of the potential difficulties and restrictions associated with this type of leadership (Sarros, Cooper and Santora, 2010).

According to Muller & Turner (2012), transformational leaders may struggle to manage conflict, strike a balance between the demands and expectations of various stakeholders, and ensure that followers have the opportunity to grow as leaders as well. Organizations can create a more realistic and nuanced approach to developing leaders and fostering a positive organisational culture by acknowledging these nuances and potential difficulties associated with transformational leadership.

Moreover, Bass & Riggio (2010) identify four particular traits of transformational leaders that are crucial in creating a supportive organisational culture. The first is idealised influence, in which the leader serves as a role model for followers and encourages them to adopt the leader’s behaviour.

The leader communicates a vision for the organisation and inspires followers to work towards that vision in the second behaviour, which is inspirational motivation. The third behaviour involves challenging followers to think critically and creatively as well as to challenge presumptions. The fourth behaviour is individual consideration, in which the leader offers each follower specialised guidance and coaching to help them advance their careers. These acts may foster a high-performance, team-based, and creative culture where employees are empowered and motivated to collaborate to accomplish a shared goal.

According to Seloane (2010), age and organisational position have significant implications for the development of an organization’s culture. In a similar manner, transformational leadership behaviour and the type of organisational culture are perceived differently depending on the age of the individual.

It suggests that organisations should take into account the diverse perspectives and needs of different age groups and positions when developing and implementing leadership development and culture-building programmes. This is because different age groups and positions bring different experiences and perspectives to the table. This may involve providing training and support to leaders in order to assist them in comprehending the requirements of various age groups and positions, and in adapting to meet those requirements.

Tsai (2011) also talked about how leaders should communicate their vision and effectively interact with subordinates in order to advance organisational objectives. According to the elements of the transformational leadership theory, this leadership style can significantly influence the formation of organisational culture.

Key elements of transformational leadership include effective communication and vision communication, both of which can support leaders in cultivating a sense of shared purpose and commitment among their workforce. Transformational leaders can foster a culture of collaboration and innovation by outlining a clear and compelling vision for the company that motivates staff to work towards a common objective (AlFadhalah, 2021).

Furthermore, according to Tsai’s (2011) research, developing a positive organisational culture depends heavily on effective communication. A culture of open communication and transparency where employees feel valued and empowered to contribute to the success of the company can be fostered by leaders who can effectively communicate with their followers.

According to Chen et al. (2020), transformational leaders’ individualised consideration can display perceived helping behaviour, which can lead to the imitation of desired organisational behaviour, which can, in turn, build an aligned organisational culture. Chen et al.

Individualized consideration entails offering individualised support and coaching to each follower, which can contribute to the development of trust and a feeling of shared commitment. Transformational leaders can inspire employees to adopt similar attitudes and behaviours towards each other by displaying perceived helping behaviours themselves.

This helps create a culture of mutual support and collaboration within the organisation. This can, over time, contribute to the development of an aligned organisational culture in which employees share common values and goals, collaborate towards the realisation of a shared vision, and are dedicated to the accomplishment of organisational success.

The findings from Salanova et al. (2022) are also in agreement with the findings from Chen et al. (2020), which suggest that transformational leaders can use their power of persuasion to influence followers by inspiring and motivating them, which can have significant repercussions for the establishment of a culture.

Employees may develop a feeling of shared purpose and dedication when transformational leaders are able to persuasively convey their vision and motivate followers to strive towards a common objective, which can support the development of a healthy corporate culture. Transformational and charismatic who can persuade people to work together on a single objective and successfully express their vision.

The findings of this study also emphasise the significance of linking the beliefs and attitudes held by members of an organisation with the actions taken by transformational leaders. It is possible for leaders to build trust and create a culture of shared commitment and accountability among employees if they align their behaviours with the values and beliefs held by employees in the organisation. This can ultimately lead to improved outcomes for the organisation.

Burns (2012) offers insights into the nature of leadership and how it affects organisational culture. According to Burns, transformative leaders who can inspire followers to work together towards a common goal can significantly influence how an organization’s culture is shaped.

A sense of shared purpose and commitment to the organization’s mission and goals can be created by charismatic leaders who have the ability to inspire and motivate their followers. Additionally, by encouraging certain values, beliefs, and behaviours that are in line with the organization’s mission and goals, leaders who are able to influence their followers and win their support can help shape the culture of the organisation.

Furthermore, by encouraging adaptability, flexibility, and innovation, visionary leaders who can foresee and respond to changes in the external environment can help mould the culture of the organisation. Visionary leaders can foster a climate of experimentation and ongoing improvement by encouraging their followers to embrace change and take calculated risks for more information visit



Abbasi, E. and Zamani-Miandashti, N., 2013. The role of transformational leadership, organizational culture and organizational learning in improving the performance of Iranian agricultural faculties. Higher Education66, pp.505-519.

ALFadhalah, T., 2021. Organizational Culture, Quality of Care and Leadership Style in Government General Hospitals in Kuwait: A Multimethod Study. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, Volume 13, pp. 243-254.

Bass, B. M. and Riggio, R. E., 2010. Leading Organizations: Perspectives for a New Era. In: G. R. Hickman, ed. The Transformational Model of Leadership. Sage, p. 638

Burns, J. M., 2012. Leadership. Open Road Media

Chau, T.H.P., Tran, Y.T. and Le, T.D., 2022. How does transformational leadership influence the performance of public service organizations in a developing country? The interventional roles of NPM cultural orientations. Cogent Business & Management9(1), p.2140746.

Chen, L., Zhang, Z.-D. and W-J., J., 2020. When and Why Leaders’ Helping Behavior Promotes Employees’ Thriving: Exploring the Role of Voice Behavior and Perceived Leader’s Role Overload. Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 11, pp. 1-13.

Garengo, P. and Betto, F., 2022. The role of organisational culture and leadership style in performance measurement and management: a longitudinal case study. Production Planning & Control, pp.1-19.

Ghasabeh, M. S., 2021. Transformational Leadership: Implementing a Cultural Approach in Organizations. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership, 14(1), pp. 1-15.

Hamidianpour, F., Esmaeilpour, M. and Mashayekh, S., 2016. Studying The Effect Of Transformational Leadership Style On Organizational Culture Change. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 16(2), pp. 7-24.

Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. and Minkov, M., 2010. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Third ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Hwang, S.J., Quast, L.N., Center, B.A., Chung, C.T.N., Hahn, H.J. and Wohkittel, J., 2015. The impact of leadership behaviours on leaders’ perceived job performance across cultures: Comparing the role of charismatic, directive, participative, and supportive leadership behaviours in the US and four Confucian Asian countries. Human Resource Development International18(3), pp.259-277.

Kasanah, S. U., 2019. The intersection of Leadership: Transformational, Visionary and Situational. Journal of Development Research, 3(1), pp. 25-30.

Kekes, I., Sallan, J. M., Simo, P. and Fernandez, V., 2018. Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of leader-member exchange. Journal of Management Development, 37(3), pp. 271-284.

Masood, S.A., Dani, S.S., Burns, N.D. and Backhouse, C.J., 2006. Transformational leadership and organizational culture: The situational strength perspective. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture220(6), pp.941-949.

Mohammed, A.A. and AL-Abrrow, H., 2022. The impact of empowering and transformational leadership on organizational performance and innovation: the mediating role of shared leadership and the moderating role of organizational culture in the Iraqi healthcare sector. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

Muller, R. and Turner, J. R., 2012. Project-Oriented Leadership. Ashgate Publishing Limited

Poturak, M., Mekic, E., Budur, T. and Hadziahmetovic, N., 2020. Effectiveness of Transformational Leadership among Different Cultures. International Journal of Social Sciences and Educational Studies, 7(3), pp. 119-129.

Pradhan, R.K., Panda, M. and Jena, L.K., 2017. Transformational leadership and psychological empowerment: The mediating effect of organizational culture in Indian retail industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Management.

Pradhan, R.K., Panda, M. and Jena, L.K., 2017. Transformational leadership and psychological empowerment: The mediating effect of organizational culture in Indian retail industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Management.

Salanova, M., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. M. and Nielson, K., 2022. he Impact of Group Efficacy Beliefs and Transformational Leadership on Followers’Self-efficacy: A Multilevel-Longitudinal Study. Current Psychology, Volume 41, pp. 2024-33.

Sarros, J. C., Cooper, B. K. and Santora, J. C., 2010. Building a Climate for InnovationThrough Transformational Leadershipand Organizational Culture. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, pp. 145-158.

Sattayaraksa, T. and Boon-itt, S., 2016. CEO transformational leadership and the new product development process: The mediating roles of organizational learning and innovation culture. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

Schein, E. H., 2010. Organizational Culture and Leadership. Fourth ed. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons

Seloane, M. P., 2010. The relationship transformational Leadership and Organisational Culture, s.l.: Univeristy of South Africa.

Shim, H.S., Jo, Y. and Hoover, L.T., 2015. Police transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of organizational culture. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.

Sjoholm, M., 2020. Transformational leadership and culture, International Business Management.

Tonich, T., 2021. The Role of Principals’ Leadership Abilities in Improving School Performance through the School Culture. Journal of Social Studies Education Research12(1), pp.47-75.

Tortorella, G.L., Fettermann, D., Fogliatto, F.S., Kumar, M. and Jurburg, D., 2021. Analysing the influence of organisational culture and leadership styles on the implementation of lean manufacturing. Production planning & control32(15), pp.1282-1294.

Tsai, Y., 2011. Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction. BMC Health Services Research, 11(98), pp. 1-9.

Tucker, B.A. and Russell, R.F., 2004. The influence of the transformational leader. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies10(4), pp.103-111.