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Care Certificate Standard 3 Answers Duty of Care

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Care Certificate Standard 3 Answers Duty of Care is about legal and moral obligations to ensure the well-being and safety of others. There are times when your duty can have issues such as conflicts with your duty. This care plan of Care Certificate Standard 3 Answers has the answers to all these concerns.

Assessment Criteria and Learning Outcomes


3.1 Learn how duty of care ensures safe practice 

  • 3.1a What is the duty of care? 
  • 3.1b Explain how the duty of care affects your role 

3.2 Understand the available support for addressing concerns about duty of care

  • 3.2a Describe concerns that may occur between the individual’s rights and duty of care
  • 3.2b Explain what must and must not be done in managing dilemmas and concerns 
  • 3.2c Explain where and how to get further support on how to resolve these conflicts 

3.3 Deal with complaints and comments 

  • 3.3a Show how to respond to complaints and comments with agreed ways of working and legislation 
  • 3.3b Explain how to ask for advice when dealing with comments and complaints
  • 3.3c Explain the significance of learning from complaints and comments to improve the service quality 

3.4 Deal with errors, incidents, and misses 

  • 3.4a Explain how to recognize near misses, errors, incidents, and events 
  • 3.4b Describe what must and must not be done per near misses, errors, incidents, and events
  • 3.4c Enlist the agreed ways of working and legislation in the case of near misses, errors, incidents, and events

3.5 Deal with difficult situations and confrontation 

  • 3.5a Enlist the difficult situations that can cause confrontation 
  • 3.5b Explain how communication can be used to reduce the likelihood, and impact of confrontation, and solve problems 
  • 3.5c Explain how to reduce and assess risks in difficult situations 
  • 3.5d Show when and how to seek advice and support about solving problems 
  • 3.5e Describe the agreed ways of working for reporting confrontations 

Care Certificate Standard 3 Answers Workbook

The standard 3 care certificate answers are in the workbook designed for Care Certificate Standard 3 Answers: Duty of Care. You can also check these samples on our website Care Certificate Standard 1 Answers Understand Your Role Or Care Certificate Standard 2 Answers – Your Personal Development.

 Activity 3.1a What is the duty of care?

Duty of care is the moral and legal responsibility and obligation of a health and social care worker to ensure the well-being and safety of the people you support. 

Activity 3.1b Explain how the duty of care affects your role

My job description commands the attention of the individuals I support. As a social care or health worker, it is my responsibility to work safely and to care and support them however they want.

Activity 3.2a Describe concerns that may occur between the individual’s rights and duty of care

There can be key concerns between the duty of care and the individual’s rights. For example, an individual with a bad stomach refusing to eat healthy. Or an individual refusing to shower, bath, and wash. 

Activity 3.2b Explain what must and must not be done in managing dilemmas and concerns

Care affects you in practice. With proper care learning, you can develop skills for care and that is the service user wants. In the case of the aforementioned concerns, I can kindly explain to the individual their bad decisions instead of dictating them. 

Activity 3.2c Explain where and how to get further support on how to resolve these conflicts 

If the suggested policies and procedures don’t work, I can proceed to involve my manager about it. After all, thinking about your own work past a certain point may not be in the individual’s interest.

Activity 3.3a Show how to respond to complaints and comments with agreed ways of working and legislation

You can follow the guidelines of your contract with your employer. Make sure you address the comments and complaints properly and you must report unsafe or abusive practices if there are any at work.

Activity 3.3b Explain how to ask for advice when dealing with comments and complaints

According to my work role, reporting adverse events with urgency is my immediate responsibility. I must consult senior management of my care services as this is what the code of conduct means.

Activity 3.3c Explain the significance of learning from complaints and comments to improve the service quality

I always treat complaints, comments, concerns, and compliments as a learning opportunity. I realize that feedback is essential to develop skills and knowledge. This way I can support every individual with precise care. This is how I explain the importance of learning from comments.

Activity 3.4a Explain how to recognize near misses, errors, incidents, and events

Use the following words to define what is meant to improve the quality in such a situation:

  • First of all, identify if it is a case of error, incident, or adverse event.
  • Analyze the situation and report to the highest authority nearby.
  • Do not jump to conclusions or play the blame game. Let the investigation bring the results. 

Activity 3.4b Describe what must and must not be done per near misses, errors, incidents, and events

As standard 3 of the care certificate focuses on the duty and quality of care – care learning is an act you must know of. First of all, consider important factors and difficult situations that may cause confrontation. I will utilize free study guides and implement the aforementioned.

Activity 3.4c Enlist the agreed ways of working and legislation in the case of near misses, errors, incidents, and events

Complete the sentences below to describe how the duty of care should work:

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 tells the responsibilities of employees and employers to ensure the well-being, safety, and health of others.
  • Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 informs about the processes of risk-assessing, investigating, reporting and recording health and safety issues.
  • The Care Act 2014 provides information and advice on an individual’s well-being and it elaborates on the duties of local authorities. 

Activity 3.5a Enlist the difficult situations that can cause confrontation 

Some of the many difficult situations and factors that can confrontation include:

  • Anyone with dementia may feel confused, frustrated, and misunderstood.
  • Individuals with learning disabilities may not understand or respect professional boundaries.
  • An individual without enough mental capacity might be aggressive because they believe they are being controlled.
  • A hospitalized individual may become frustrated that they cannot leave whenever they want.

Activity 3.5b Explain how communication can be used to solve problems and reduce the likelihood or impact of confrontation

If the individuals you are supporting believe that someone has been tampering with their health, then look into it. I must not do in relation to what may cause them harm. In order to improve the quality of service and well-being of the individuals, I should know enough to guarantee the safety of the individuals I support.

3.5c Explain how to reduce and assess risks in difficult situations

If an individual told you that they wish to make a complaint about the food served or if they offer compliments in order to improve the service that you provide, let them speak in both cases. You do not want to know that your individual is in conflict with you. 

3.5d Show when and how to seek advice and support about solving problems

When something is beyond my control, I will consult the upper management. It needs to be taken into account when reporting adverse events that it should be dealt with honestly and precisely. Believing that is how I will seek advice. 

3.5e Describe the agreed ways of working for reporting confrontations 

 I make a report on it in the form of an individual’s daily notes and mention it in the staff communication book. This report will be submitted to the manager on the right time. 

You may recall the previous standard answers in the links below:

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