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Nurs FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Cost Considerations


NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 


How Does a Patient Issue Affect the Quality of Care and Safety

The problem of hypertension in young adults is a rising phenomenon in the United States as well as across the globe. Many people undergo severe situations in life; personal, social, economic, and cultural elements matter a lot in the daily life of hypertension patients. This case concerns a Somalian male, Mr. Ahmad Ul Hassan, who has a history of consuming excessive tobacco and alcohol. Because of neglecting his rising blood pressure and cholesterol levels, this person has been suffering from cardiac pain and hypertension. The current care plan to enhance patient safety improves the quality of the patient’s health.

In due process, Hassan has failed to meet the targets of the National Standard Guidelines for Hypertension Management, which increased the risk of hypertension further. This patient underwent vascular problems, too; nurses felt that the healthcare system was facing severe challenges due to the rising number of hypertension cases.

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 

The primary nurse noted that the patient in the case had been hospitalized twice over the past two months due to chest pain and cardiovascular issues. The experts plan to support the patient with the lifestyle modification suggested by Healthy People 2030 goals. The patient got hydrochlorothiazide twice yet the nurse did not know of this intervention because of communication issues with other nurses. 

As drug and medication errors directly impact the patient’s health outcomes, everything must be done to eliminate communication issues. During the practicum hours, the patient was using hypoglycemic oral drugs and has been relying on high salt levels through beta-blockers. The patient was practically forced to purchase glucose strips for taking his medical tests without any medical insurance to take care of his financial burden. This shows that healthcare providers need to design care plans that must make healthcare costs budget-friendly and financially easy: both in the cases of diet and bills.

The damage to arteries and blood vessels is done due to hypertension and high blood pressure is done as well. Blocked arteries can prevent blood flow, resulting in a stroke or kidney or heart failure. The best protection here is disease management and relevant knowledge about it. Therefore, hypertension causes multiple safety threats. Self-monitored blood pressure is not much of a help; you have to consult healthcare professionals. There are issues of readmissions and operating expenses as well. At the very least, it shows that the hypertension issues are not related to the lack of nursing practice standards. 

Policy Interventions and Evidence-Based Practices on Costs, Safety, and Quality

Self-management Education and Support (DSMES) is suggested to make sure that there is a cost reduction in readmissions and that hypertension patients are well-treated. Nurses are needed to guide the patient in the self-management of hypertension. Nurses must know about Hypertension Self-Management Education (HSME) to make sure that the patients receive high-quality care. 

Better education means that nurses can develop better HSME techniques. For example, nurses can better guide patients on medicine adherence such as a healthy diet and proper exercise. The role of knowledge is crucial in using a patient-centred approach and knowledge-based compliance. Application of the HSMES techniques will able nurses with financial and non-financial to seek the correct supervision and fight hypertension. Another model to help nurses learn more is the DSMES model to possess more knowledge about heart diseases and hypertension. The program is vital as it allows expense effectiveness and lowers organizational costs. 

The government has established and suggested multiple other insurance schemes and community resources to help patients reduce healthcare expenditures. This means having the right equipment for positive hypertension patient outcomes. NHA Guidelines and National Standards suggest using a trained and knowledgeable nursing workforce who can improve the quality of care per the guidance of hypertension professionals. Some apps link you to nurses who are acquainted with better management of hypertension. That brings us to the significance of using telehealth tools. 

Strategies to Enhance Costs, Safety, and Quality of the System

Quality safety and cost management are the backbone of any successful system. Affordable Care Act impacts the quality of care positively. The American Hypertension Association’s National Standard Guidelines are supportive in the given context to help nurses maintain blood glucose levels within the needed range. This is to plan the right dietary changes for patients as is mentioned in the patient education. Nurses should use a range of 7.0 percentile of blood pressure, as suggested by Capella University, to offer quality care for both patients and the healthcare systems.

The role of nursing scope of practice is pivotal in ensuring positive outcomes of preventive care, efficient patient care, and quality disease control. Patients with hypertension need quality and safety. Such assessments suggest that the medical systems need to adopt safety and reduce centres for disease control and prevention so they can increase patient safety and maintain the prevalence of hypertension. 

Let’s not forget here that Hypertension Nurse Specialists (NHS) have a major role in enhancing patient safety and reducing costs. The adoption of the NHS is vital in tackling systematic challenges and maintaining the quality of care and patient safety. 


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